I was a bit shocked because we had to sail two days and two nights without stopping, I thought we would only be sailing at night again when we crossed the Atlantic! We sailed from the north of Portugal to the capital city of Lisbon, it was 250 miles away.
To keep myself busy I liked to count how many seagulls there were and watching the dolphins, this time we saw eight sets in one day. We tried to video them but they are so fast, if it comes out ok, we will post it on the blog soon. I also played on my DS, read a book or two. Before dinner we always played charades as a family, I nearly always won, Mummy says she is going to try harder next time.
At six o´clock Jack and Daddy went down below to sleep and Mummy and I were in charge of the boat. We played a brilliant game, called 20 Questions, but we kept forgetting to look out for the lobster pots, so we almost hit one! Luckily I spotted it in time and we were able to miss it. We carried on playing the game, but we still kept forgetting to look out and we nearly hit more lobster pots, so Mummy decided to stop the game, I was a bit sad as I loved the game. It got really dark at eight pm and we still had one hour of our night watch left! Looking for lobster pots in the dark was even harder. It felt great to go off watch and to bed at nine o´clock. But Jack was sleeping in my bunk and it was not time for him toget up so I had to sleep in the specailly made child bunk ontop of the chart table. It was a squeeze but I loved being cosy like that.
My next night watch was with Daddy and we saw this green stuff called phosperessence. The green stuff are little animals that if they gat banged on the head they turn a shiny green in the water; daddy said it only happens when the water is at a certain temperature; it was exciting to see this green light in the water; it helped the time to go quickly.
To Lydia, Ines and Maya, I really, really, really miss you, wish you could be here, I would love you to leave some comments.