Tobago Cays was fantastic because the snorkelling here was so good. We swam with four turtles for over half an hour, it was fantastic. I held Mummy’s hand for a lot of the time
because the current was so strong and it kept trying to push us along futher than we wanted. The turtles had to keep coming up to the surface to breath and then they would swim back down to the sea bed to eat from the sea weed and plants, we followed
them and watched all of this, I really loved it. We also took the dingy to a horseshoe reef and swam there over the coral on the sea bed. I love snorkelling but I was a bit nervous, we saw so many different types of fish in many different colours and different shapes as well as different types of coral. Mummy had told me not to touch the coral because it is not good for the environment and it can be very sharp and hurt us, so we kept away. Every time I saw a good fish that Mummy didn’t I would tap her and point to it and when she saw it she put her thumb up. We could not talk under the water and this is how we did it. Tobago Cays was great.
I was sad at Tobago Cays though because Ella saw a stingray right next to her. She screamed out ‘stingray’ and she said later that she was nervous but really excited too. Daddy was there near her and he was able to see it as well, they were both so pleased to have seen it, but it made me sad. I wish I had been in the water at that time too.
I was sad at Tobago Cays though because Ella saw a stingray right next to her. She screamed out ‘stingray’ and she said later that she was nervous but really excited too. Daddy was there near her and he was able to see it as well, they were both so pleased to have seen it, but it made me sad. I wish I had been in the water at that time too.
1 comment:
Dear Jack,
I'm sure you'll see a stingray soon. After reading all your stories, I think you are going to do lots of sailing in your life, just like Daddy! I was so sorry you were poorly on New Years Eve. Sean and Olivia were a bit concerned looking at your picture with ice on your head. I know you're much better now. The snorkelling sounds terrific. You must be quite brave to do this, especially in strong currents. Can you please keep writing about all your adventures. We have story time here when I take the laptop in the front room and read your stories aloud to Liam, Sean and Olivia. Please give a big hug to everyone there.
love Sara
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