We went on a tour of the island, the tour was really fun. We had to hike through the rainforest, it looked very very green inside and wet, this is because it rains a lot here, I called it 'rain a lot', iot rained every day that we were in Dominica, but it did not rain hen we were in the rainforest. It was really hot and sticky in the rainforest and we felt wet even though it did not rain. This hike in the rainforest was my favourite thing on the island, we had to walk through a river over 5 times to get to the waterfall. Our guide was called Lion and he gave me a piggy back through the water because the water flowed so fast and it was so deep, I might fall. Ella was allowed to walk through the water on her o
wn and it made me feel quite sad that I could not.
After a while I asked if I could try and wade through myself and Lion said it would be OK. I did do it and I felt so excited and proud of myself. Sometimes I was up to nearly my neck in the river, I had to hold onto someone's hand when it was that deep. The water was quite warm and it was the best walk of my life, I LOVED IT! Walking through the forest and through the river was really adventourous and I want to do it again as soon as possible, it was brilliant. We arrived at the waterfall and it was huge, we stayed there for a while to rest and then we had to go all the way back again and through the river AGAIN, it was GREAT!
We also s
aw so many things growing but my best was seeing a pineapple, I was shocked to see it growing, I thought it grew on a tree, but it doesn't! I also drank coconut milk from the cocnut but did not like it at all, neither did Dad or Ella but Mum liked it so she
finished it all up! the man who cut it for us had the biggest knife I have ever seen, it was HUGE!
We stayed in Dominica for ages and I loved it, we did another tour in the North called the Indian river and I spotted a huge iguana, it was fantastic, we saw lots of them, but I spotted the biggest one. We saw lots of wildlife, real parrots, hummingbirds, a little bird called banana aquit, itliked to eat sugar and came really close to us and we had some and it ate it! We saw lots of birds, it was fun spotting them all. We stayed for the Carnival and Ella and I really enjoyed it, Ella wanted to go in her pj
yamas but she did not wear them, I wanted to go as a rocket man, but we could not get all the things we needed so in the end we just wentas Ella and Jack, that was OK too. Everyone was excited about carnival and everyone danced and sang in the streets, the road were so busy and full of people, I had to hold on tight to Mum's hand not to get lost in the crowd. We ate ice cream and watched everything.
We found a really cool beach that had a rope swing on a coconut tree. It was hard to get on it as it was high up, but when we managed we had fun. I did it lots of times but it was tiring, my last time my hands were sore and tired and I fell off and fell into the sea instead on onto the sand, ~I was soaked and a bit shocked, it hurt a bit!
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