I was really excited to be going to a French island because we were
running out of food and goodies and Ella and I wanted to get some Haribo sweets. We also really wanted to haul out Brimble so that we could paint her bottom, there are lots of goose barnucles stuck to her and this makes Brimble sail slower, I had even chosen the clothes that I was going to wear for painting in.
There was a problem though because everything was shut, they were all on strike, I do not know why they were on strike, even the teachers were! There were lots of children in the park everyday because the school had been closed for nearly four weeks, that was good for me because then I had friends to play with in the park and on the beach.
I did like sailing to the area where there had been a huge volcanic explosion lots of years ago. We walked in the town called St Pierre and saw lots of broken walls and many of them were black from the heat from the lava. We saw new houses that used some of the old walls, it looked weird.
Ella and I had so much fun on Brimble here because we used her as a climbing frame, but Daddy not was not very happy!
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