My favourtie thing in Antigua was the Antigua Yacht Club. It was like the first
time ever in my life I was dinghy sailing, as I have been sailing my whole life in big boats it was exciting and different to be in a dinghy. I thought it would be easy as I was used to sailing on Brimble but actually it was hard. We had learnt everything on Brimble, things like the names and parts of the boat and what everything is for, but a dinghy is so much smaller and everything happens so much faster. On Brimble when I am sailing her I look at where I want to go and sail in that direction but on the dinghy you look at the sail instead of where you are going, you are only allowed to look at where you want to go for one or two seconds. My teachers name was Jamalie and he was incredible nice, he woula show you how to do something a couple of times and he would not be like a normal old teacher who might say are you listening, are you teaching the class or am I teaching the class or things like that, he would just tell you how to do it and if you could not he would show you again and again until I had it perfect. I was able to know how to do most of the things perfectly most of the time and I was so happy. To have these lessons we had to become a menber of the Antigua Yacht Club which meant we could
use all the dinghies and kayaks whenever we wanted, it was so cool. We also made two friends from South Africa Micheal and Jonah. Micheal showed us how to capsize a kayack, it was so much fun, I love it here in Antiqua.
Deep Bay on the west side of the island, was actually a shallow bay and not at all
deep. In the middle of the entrance to the Bay there was an old ship wreck, the boat had caught fire over a hundred years ago and then went aground in the entrance to the harbour and sunk! we were able to snorkel over the wreck and I was able to see the mermaid on the front of the boat. It was all so old and there were lots of different corlas growing over the wreck and so many differnet types of fish swimming around. It was a difficult snorkel because there was a strong current which kept moving us backwards and forwards so Mummy was my snorkeling buddy and we swam together to be safe. Deep Bay was one of my favourtite places in Antigua.
One of the most popular things to do in Antigua is to walk to Shirley Heights. It is a very famous resturant at the top and it has the best views of the famous harbours below where Nelso used to have his fleet and where we hoped to see Brimble. It was a three mile walk upwards, it was half a road walk and half off road, I love walking off road and have been called a mountain goat by my family as I can walk so fast up and down on off road trails. The first part of th
e walk I find difficult because it is not interesting and you hace to watch out for cars, but the second half was really easy becasue it was fun as well as hard, it was a challenge as you had to watch your step over the rocks and tree stumps and bend underneath branches. At the top I found it was a dissapointment as we thought the food did not look nice although the drinks were good, but please if you ever go to
Shirley Heights do not have more than 3 rum punches, we met a man from Poland who had 4 and he fell down the off road trail into the cactus bush and had to pull out 72 cactus spikes as well as breaking his branc new glasses, there were lots of stories of rum punches at Shirley Heights. the view was amazing and we watched the sun set and we saw the GREEN FLASH! the flash only lasts for a split second as the sun goes down on the horizon and it does not always happen, we were so lucky to see it! The girls from Nutmeg were there, Emilia and Jemima, we had a good play with them, but not as good as fun as if someone my own age had been there, I really do miss my friends.
We lost our dinghy Poppy in Antiqua, on our way back from recoverin Poppy, she was found by the rescue team and she was in their rib, we were welcomed back into the harbour by two of the biggest dolphins I have ever seen. One of them jumped right over our bow, I was so amazed that a dolphin could do that and also so happy. We ran to the bow and it was as if they knew who we were and that we had lost the dinghy, I wonder if they had seen Poppy and maybe they helped the resuce team find her for us, I like to think so.
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