The sail from Antigua to Nevis was awful for me,
Nevis was a great dissapointment for me, it was not a great island and there was
not so much to do there. We did go to three museums but they were not well laid out and did not tell us any more than we knew already about Nelson. I did learn a little about a very sad ferry accident, on Easter Monday in 1970 a ferry from St Kitts sank on its way to Nevis, it was overloaded with people on holiday visiting family on the other island and too much luggage and the ferry slowly started to sink with the extra weight, by the time everyone realised it was too late and most people could not get off the ferry and drowned. It was very sad. the lady in the museum, her sister was suppossed to be on the ferry, but she had a dream the night before that there would be a crash and she should not get on, she did not and now she is a pastor in the local church!
I was glad to leave Nevis and to get to St Kitts. When we arrived in St Kitts it looked wonderful, we first anchored in a really beautiful anchorage, the scenery was great, it felt good to be here.
As soon as we arrived we snorkelled to the land, it was about 250 meters away from the boat, easy for us now, we love snorklelling and we were looking forward the next day to snorkel over another wreck in this bay, but we never got to do it because Grandad became ill and had to go to hospital and we had to move Brimble to the marina to be close to Grandad.
The people at the marina were lovely, there were two we liked both Charlie and Truckie. Truckie spent a lot of time with us and we learnt that he was a Rastafarian and this religion teaches peace, justice and love, I think this is a good idea.
Truckie even took Jack out fishing but all they caught after 4 hours was this little fish called a grunt! Mummy cooked it but there was only enough for her and Jack to have a bite each, thank goodness, I still don't like fish!
The first week were there we had to go and forwards to the hospital, it was not much fun, there we mean and nice nurses there, one would not let us in Grandad's room and we had to wait outside, it was awful but a little OK as there was a TV there so we could see some for the first time in months and then the nice nurse let us visit Grandad.
After a week Grandad was allowed out of the hospital but not onto Brimble because she was so small, we thought that was really mean, but never mind. Grandad had to go to a hotel paid for by insurance and I loved it, it was called the Marriot hotel and is the biggest hotel in the Caribbean, it was fantastic and we were allowed to swim in the pool. We made a few friends in the hotel, one girl was called Hannah, she had a lilo and we all tried to get on it but there were too many of us but we always failed, I had to push them but when I jumped on everyone fell off, it was so funny.
This second week in St Kitts was much better than the first week. We ate lovely cake in the cafe bar and had good food in the evening, we all had baths and showers too, it felt good. The resturant was great becasue they had big big chairs, a bit too small for a giant to sit in but much mcuh mcuh to big for us, they were fantastic, we all thought they were a really cool idea.
We were excited to see our friends on the Danish boat Avalnche arrive,
they had heard we were in the marina and came in to find us. I was so excited becasue we had not had any friends to play with properly for so long. Straight away we began to play all sorts of things together. Jack was not well but Avalanche took me away to another bay one day to a bay called Frigate Bay, it was great. There was a ginormous water rubber ring, in the middle of it was a massive trampoline, it was so high up that you needed a ladder to get on it, there was also a slide to slide through the middle, it was so much fun and I had a great day with my Danish friends, I wish I could do it again, but I did feel sorry for Jack missing out.
Grandad flew back home to England with a nurse who had flown out to make sure he would be alright, it was a strange time with Grandad, not what I had thought it would be, but it was good to see him. We said goodbye to Grandad and said we would be seeing him in about 6 weeks when we get home.
We left St Kitts the next day as we had now been here for two weeks and we were going to sail in tandem with Avalanche to St Barts.
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