We were in St Kitts with
Grandad and we were in this bay called Whitehouse Bay and we had just finished snorkelling. I asked Grandad if he would like me to show him how to use a DS when my Dad said "Are you OK Dad?" to Grandad. He said " No, where are we, where is Lesley?" so Dad had to explain that he was on holiday in the Caribbean for two weeks without Lesley and then he said again "Where is Lesley?" and he kept asking what was going on. I thought it was wierd Grandad asking all these questions, I thought he was playing, then I thought it was funny and then I realsied it was serious. I was quite amazed at it all. My Dad then asked Grandad if he knew who we all were. Grandad did know us, but he could not remember mine and Ella's names, I was quite astonished that he could not remember and then he asked again where he was and where was Lesley. Again I thought he was being silly but when I saw Mum and Dad looking at tablets that Grandad had taken I began to get worried when they read that the side affects said t
hat old people could get confused. He had taken the tablets because he was having hayfever, but now he was telling us he never suffered from hayfever and again asked where was he? I thought I would help by asking if Grandad knew what a marina was as he loves boats so much, he said of course he knew what a marina was and then I was not worried anymore because he seemed OK to me. I was wrong because straight away he asked where was he and where was Lesley. That is when Mum and Dad said he needed to go to the hospital.
We were left behind on the boat and Mum tried to cheer us up, I think she wanted us not to be worried about Grandad. she said we could watch a DVD, this does not happen often as it uses too much power on the boat so it was a special treat. We watched a Sarah Jane adventure, Stuart and Eleanor, I really thank you for sending them,and I am not scarred of them anymore, it was good to watch, we then were so tired it was so late we went to bed.
The next week was in and out of hospital and the walk up the hill from the marina was a long one which sometimes we did more than once a day, we nearly always took the bus ba
ck thank goodness. It was not much of a fun week but Grandad was better and everyone stopped worrying about him and we enjoyed ourselves in his hotel when he was allowed out of the hotel but not allowed back on Brimble. It was a difficult time with Grandad and I would like to have another holiday with Grandad becasue I miss him and want to spend time with him. Grandad has promised to make ginger beer with me when I get back to England and I am really looking forward to it. I love you Grandad.